Monday, 6 December 2010

Annie Monroe

I am girl crushing on every single member of The Like. I can't get enough of their sixties vibes and flawless mod looks. ...and if that's not enough for you, they make awesome music. Above are a few photos of Annie Monroe, the band's organ player and singer. She really does look like she hopped out of a Godard film, doesn't she?

(via so much to tell you)


  1. she is so cute i can see why you have a girl crush on her!!

    stop by sometime<3

  2. I love that sixties look too- especially the eyeliner and hair.

  3. I LOVE Annie! 'LIKE' Annie Monroe fan on Facebook

  4. TOTAL! love that group, they all have such a sense of style, individually, but are tight as can be. i was reading in your about page that "french new wave" is a passion. i'm sure you already are familiar with Nouvelle Vague but they are one of my all time faves. those girls can wield a good Bonjour/Merci like it's nobody's business. cheers lades, love your blog. ♥

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