Sunday, 27 June 2010


The girl scout inside of me is cringing, but is also really intrigued. Apparently glamping is becoming a travel trend (Well, it has been since 2008, but I hadn't heard of it until today...):
If the eco-friendly idea of falling asleep under the stars and roasting marshmallows around a campfire appeals to you, but the reality of pitching a tent and sleeping on bumpy ground does not, glamping, the new term being used for upscale — or glamorous — camping, could be your ideal green vacation.
--The New York Times
I'm pretty sure I prefer the old fashioned tent & sleeping bag, but who knows? Would you guys try it? Have you already tried it?


  1. oh, heaven! i so want to spend the weekend in the 2nd photo!

    xo Alison

  2. Hi! I am your new follower.

  3. aww thanks for the link, i'll add you to my blogroll too.

  4. Oh my goodness, I am used to gammin ol' campin, and these people camp with queen size perfectly made beds under their tents!! What an effort!! Goodness!!

  5. This is basically my wet dream. haha I love camping the old fashioned way, and think of myself as a little hippie, but.. my friends always laugh at me and tell me I'm a bit too particular to be dirty. Hmph.


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