Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Home Is Wherever I'm With You...

Now that I have a college degree I am one step closer to moving out and getting my own place. Maybe one day it will look like one of the rooms above...

(Sources: ffffound, tumblr, we heart it)


  1. love them all <3

    and congrats on finishing school!

  2. Congratulations on getting a degree. I can't wait for a place of my own and all the pictures you posted are so lovely.

  3. oh no, now i'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day!

    pretty spaces!

  4. oh! that would have been lovely! and with edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes in the background;) and congratulations to the college degree:)

  5. That 2nd room is a dream!

    And congrats on finishing school, woohoo!

    Rachael Krystina at www.latentblatant.com


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